Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Journal Excerpt

For all you crazies out there who are just dying to read my journal, here's a quick paragraph I wrote today. I was feeling especially poetic after finishing one of my favorite books for the billioneth time.

''The heavens are dropping down fat, heavy water bombs of rain. The air smells hot and wet and very much alive. It's the kind of rain that makes you inhale more deeply in an attempt to get more of it inside you without drowning. It's the kind of afternoon, being just before lunch, that makes one want to curl up ouside in a hammock, nurse a mug of something sweet, and dream of happy nothings in particular. It's an afternoon made for forgtting obligations, chores, and the mundane monotony of a life set too much in its ways . Deadlines should cease to exist on days like this, as should excess noise, electronics of more than the most necessary functions, and any future dates. It's a day for here, now, and no other time or place, save it be the other world of a novel. Diets should be called off. Insecurities and social taboos should vanish. For this one, perfect day, people should just live. We should be trees for a day, happy to be what we are. Tomorrow can be loud, busy and rushed. Just let today be. ''

Needless to say, today I'd much rather stay home than go to dance class. You know, give myself a chance to breathe. But that's not going to happen. No, I'm going to go to dance, then come home and eat, shower, and collapse on my bed, either with Jane Eyre, or a TV show. Because that's what I do now. Things might change later though. We'll see.


Papa Bear said...

I've been reading your journal for years. Feels good to get an invitation, I guess. ;-) Personally and seriously, I missed out on the "take time to smell the roses" Zen Buddhist "Be here be now" philosophy. And I think I've missed out on some of the best things in life as a result. For instance, when David's telling me about his caterpillar find, or Kris is showing me what the 2nd guy should do in the 4th count of the Tapapwuka Dancethingamajigger, I should pay more attention. David won't always be showing me caterpillars and Kris may take her dance elsewhere. You continue to teach me, Bear.

Erika said...

Um, Dad, if you had really been reading my journal, I would disown you. I would live here forever, never speak to you again, get married, have half Bolivian babies, and you wouldn't get to see them!!! So you'd better not be reading my journals. jaja...
I'm glad you enjoyed it. And Tapapwuka is my favorite dance.

Papa Bear said...

I love it when I write something that fires you up enough to merit a response.